• Texas Medical Center, 6560 Fannin St. #1680, Houston, TX 77030
  • Heights Office, 427 W 20th St Houston, TX 77008
  • Texas Medical Center, 6560 Fannin St. #1680, Houston, TX 77030
  • Heights Office, 427 W 20th St Houston, TX 77008


Electrophysiologist in Houston TX

According to the American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, many heart-related problems can be prevented with a combination of education, action, and smart choices. Heart health is a primary concern because the condition of the heart can eventually have an effect on the function of other parts of the body. One specific type of heart doctor who can help educate patients on cardiovascular health, diagnose potential heart issues, and recommend necessary treatments is an electrophysiologist.

Maintaining Heart Health

The cells of the body need nutrients for energy and to fight off disease. Those nutrients are carried through the bloodstream, and the heart is the muscle that pumps the blood to the body's organs, muscles, tissues, and extremities. It's important to maintain good heart health because a properly functioning heart helps keep the other parts of the body strong and healthy.

What Is an Electrophysiologist?

The heart is run by electrical pulses and patterns generated by the activity of the cells and tissues of the body. An electrophysiologist is a doctor who measures and studies electrical patterns in a patient’s heart using special tools and tests. An electrophysiological test can identify abnormal rhythms that could indicate atrial fibrillation, potential heart failure, or other heart-related issues that require treatment.

Tests Performed by an Electrophysiologist

When you visit an electrophysiologist, the doctor will administer a series of tests, also called an electrophysiological study, to help determine the condition and function of the heart. Testing begins with a catheterization procedure, which requires the insertion of catheters into the blood vessels that lead to the heart. The doctor sends impulses through the catheters to test and record responses to the stimuli. An ECG (electrocardiogram) machine will monitor activity during the test. The study is usually completed in one appointment within a few hours.

Make Time to See an Electrophysiologist

Dr. Alireza Nazeri is a cardiologist and electrophysiologist providing comprehensive cardiovascular healthcare at Mobitz AFib Clinic in Houston, TX. Call (713) 909-3166 today to schedule a consultation and examination with Dr. Nazeri and his team.

Schedule your AFib Screening and Early Detection Consultations

Mobitz AFIb Clinic


P. 713-909-3166


What is Atrial Fibrillation (AFib, AF)?

AFib = 5X Higher Stroke Risk

Silent AFib = AFib Without Symptoms

Are You At Risk For AFib?

AFIB Risk Calculator

Take a Survey and Assess Your Risk of Having AFIB

AFIB Consultation

Risk Assessment, Screening, Second Opinion, Personalized Treatment Plan